
Friday, September 10, 2021

My Certificate!

 Kia ora this Friday i got a certificate for being online successfull learner! I did well this week.Did you get a certificate this week?

Friday, August 6, 2021

Ane Cheyanna Ngarea and Ella Quality blog comments - Confident

 Kia-orana this is my Cybersmart and my buddys work and our view-ponit 

for the lockdown t-shirt.

I enjoyed working hard with my buddys

I really liked the t-shirt and how they used their spear time. Have u made a t- shirt before?

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Whyshould zoos exist?

 Kia ora this is my story on why zoos should and shouldn't exist!

i enjoyed thinking and putting hard work in my wirting


S.ta (code)

Why should zoos exist?

So I think that we should have zoos but manly shouldn’t because the is barely space for the animals that like to explore places. And they barely get any privacy from the people swarming and the cameras all around them and they don’t even know whats happening!And the only time they get privacy is when its night time but then they would have to wake up to the people looking and swarming around the animals.And then when the zookeepers let the animals go they wouldn’t know how to hunt at all and would want people to feed them until they die.But besides that lets talk about why the zoo should exist! Well the zookeepers take care of the animals that are about to breed and they make sure that their enclosures are warm so the babys don’t die from the cold then as soon as the animals are done breeding the take the baby for a check up to see if they are heathy but if the animals aren’t breeding then they would probably introduce you to the people who wanna meet you (if the animals are lucky)  and here are some facts! In Wellington 1906 the first zoo was made and their was just a lion that had just retired from a circus! And then Auckland zoo opened sixteen years later with a few lions, bears , dogs , and wolves.

I think this is one of my hard working writing.
Do you think zoos should exist or not?

Friday, June 25, 2021

Cheyenna-Kiribati language week

Kia ora this was my Kiribati reveiw and it's my reaction to the pumkin soup Kahikatea made it was home- made Anyways heres my wirting . Kia ora i’m going  to talk about friday 18th, on friday the 18th Kaikatea made pumpkin soup.I mashed the pumkins and put the coconut milk in. And I even got to have a little try and it was delicious! We made 2 warm big bowls of the pumpkin soup and the ingredients were pumpkin,cocnutmilk,baby spinach,sping onion,spicy chilli,garlic,ginger,boiling water.And more! When I was mashing the big bowl of the pumpkins.The pumpkins   went kind of chunky but soft and after we added the coconut milk it went smooth and creamy and  and the spring onions and  baby spinach showed more! After we finished mashing and pouring in the ingredients it was finally finished and we got to taste it and as I said IT WAS DELICIOUS I ate 6 bowls of it i think i went a little to far but it was worth it 😁 . I enjoyed making and enjoying the taste that i forgot because this was a week ago but still i loved it,Have u tried pumkin soup before?

Bhangra poster

 Kia ora This is my Bhangra ( fact sheet ) it has a bunch of facts and infomaiton 

This is it you can look at all of the facts to find out more.Do you know these facts?

Friday, June 18, 2021

"We finally found the suspect"

 Kia ora today I was writing my stroy i had to write about and i was wondering if panadsonly eat bamboo and the reason why i was wondering about that was because the stroy i was doing was about why the animal stole the bamboo and how did the animal get caught, and mine was where you had to find how the animal stole and how he got caught.Anyways thats all but i'm gonna show you my story cya on the otherside!.“We finally caught the suspect”

Oh no someone has stolen all the bamboo!And the suspect are, Mountain gorllia, red panda, panda, Bamboo lemur, Bamboo rat.Were going to have grow more bamboo!.If you see anyone take OR eat the rest tell mt staright away ! ( 1 hour later ) They haven’t come to the office to tell me if tey had seen anyone so im check the cameras ... wait  i coiled just checked the cameras an hour ago, hah then the bamboo stealer will never will never steal the bamboo ever again mahaha.. ok now lets get on the cameras already, Ok uhhh now lets look at cam7 wait.. Why is Mountain gorllia near the bammboo AHAH  WE FINNALLY CAUGHT THE SUSPECT! HAH but next time i will put some of his own bamboo.

This was my story and i actaully like it but i could use some better clues that i could put in it like find foot steps and all that but yea, Have you done this before?and will you?.

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Cheyenna Digital Footprint

 Kia ora ko Cheyenna toku-ingua and today you are looking at my digital footprint that I worked hard on.

I enjoyed working hard on My Digital Footprint and edited a lot on it.

This is it so if you dont know what I did I had to look in my history and i had to use and as you can see I just put footprints down and the images.

Have you done this before? and will you do it?

Friday, May 14, 2021

Kapa haka report!

Hi this is a role-play kind of  so yea 

i enjoyed spending heeps of time on this writing (report)

Purpose : To Inform  

RT : Share the character

Kia ora and welcome to the news. Today we are talking about Kapa haka!

Kapa haka means traditional maori dances performed by a group standing in rows.

When I do kapa haka I feel powerful I feel strong and I get excited, I like to beexcited because then im load but sometimes I get two excited and have a voice


Thank you Cheyenna Now Come back later to haer some more new about facts Byee. 

I like this writing becuse its kinda like a role-play and i like roleplay so yea

Have you done a report writing and will you?

Cybersmart Cheyenna Challenge

Hi this is my animation and its called the " the boat crossing the sea" i didn't really put work in it but i still really like it but i think i can do better if we do another one so yea this is it!

I enjoyed spending my time on this even tho i didn't put the much of hard work!
i kinda like it but its kinda useless at the same time but its part of learning so i gotta do it 
If you did a animation what type of thing or animal would it be ? and why?

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Who am i?

 Who am I?

This i what i want to be when i grow up!

Who am I?
I have a dangerous job-
 I need a hellmet to keep my head safe-
I need a M4A1 and other guns-
I to get tased so i can see how strong i am-
There is an 80% or 90% i could die-
I can camouflage through long grass-
What do they do?
____ do many things, from shooting enemies, to digging defensive trenches. They are used to defend their country, or attack another country's army. It is difficult, and_____ must be in good shape, both physically and mentally. Working in the __ and wearing the uniform is called service

Its a soldier! Comment what you thought it was!

What do you want to be when you grow up?

Friday, April 16, 2021

What i think will happen in the future.

 This is what i think the future will be!

I enjoyed putting my mind in my head and comming up with ideas!

I loved making this so i think its good!
What do you think will happen in 200 years?

Thursday, April 15, 2021


 I made a fact poster about anzac and ww2!

i enjoyed looking up all the facts and learning about ww2!

i love doing this and learning about ww2 and anzac!

Have you done a anzac poster yet? and will you?

Friday, March 26, 2021

Cheyenna Change project

 this is some changes i want around the school

I Enjoyed Spending my Time On This

This is really cool i worked so hard on this 
What changes do you want around the school?

Cheyenna Space writing

 NL: to describe

RT:share the characters feeling and thoughts

Cyan= main character

Blue=describing the character 

Green= I edited it

The day i found a alien in my backyard :)

A long time ago there was such thing called aliens.they where called green enemies back in the olden days,one            night I was trying to sleep but there was a slight of light. I looked out the window and I saw a bunch of smoke so I

decided to go and check. I went to go check outside and I wanted to get a closer look. I get closer and  see some  werid person with antennas,I go have a look  and I scream out of fearness GREEN ENEMIE!!!!!!!!!!. I run inside and SLAM my door close, I go to sleep and in the morning I wont stop forgetting about the alien In my backyard. this is my space writing and i had edited this whole thing,Have you edited a peice of writing? and do you like your writing?

If I Was The Class President

 If I was the class President these are the rules and things i would change.

  1. I would put a password on the call

  2. I would make the class bigger

  3. Make one side for free time and the other a learning side

  4. When its someones birthday we have to sing happy birthday in maori

  5. Every monday we have to sing a different moari song

  6. There will be tautokon (support). what would u change if u where the class president?

Friday, March 19, 2021

My planet

 This is my planet and i think this would be kinda cool if it was real!

i enjoyed useing all the different colors

I love this so much and i think its great

have u ever made a planet and would you?

Thursday, February 25, 2021

My favourite meal

 My favourite meal! This is one of my favourite meals! its my favourite meal because its really heathy and good for ur heath!

i love this writing because it's like about me but insteadits about my favourite meal!
Whats ur favourite meal and whats in it?

Friday, February 12, 2021

Cheyenna Expectations LSC-

 The Expectations of the thing we do in Papakur central school! 
Toay i learnt the Expectations in Moari! it was kinda hard cuz we had to do it oursselfs but it was really fun!

Do you do your Expectations at your school?

Thursday, February 11, 2021

About me 2021!

This is my 2021 About me! its been really long and i've also happy late new year and this is my first post for 2021 and i hope you like it!!!!

i leaned more about myself and things that i don't know about myself! i enjoyedmaking this and putting in all my hard in my all about me 2021! hope you like it! have you done an all about me in 2021?